365 days in 1227 words
365 days in 1227 words. So many things have happened that to relive even a tenth of them I asked
Di Cristina Di Canio|2015-12-28T17:49:18+01:00Dicembre 28th, 2015|Lilac thoughts|
365 days in 1227 words. So many things have happened that to relive even a tenth of them I asked
Di Cristina Di Canio|2015-12-22T10:28:47+01:00Dicembre 22nd, 2015|Lilac thoughts|
At Christmas you can do what you can never do sing the song of the famous panettone commercial that in
Di Cristina Di Canio|2015-12-07T17:50:07+01:00Dicembre 7th, 2015|Lilac thoughts|
On Sunday away from my library, I gave myself an afternoon at the theater and I attended the last rerun
Di Cristina Di Canio|2015-11-22T20:54:52+01:00Novembre 22nd, 2015|Lilac thoughts|
I wish you someone who tells you: I love you up to heaven . Since the last time I wrote